
Product Package Design: A 3PRIME First!

by | Mar 7, 2012 | Articles

In a first for 3PRIME, our company helped design a product package for a new food item produced by a local Hamden business.

Prosper’s is a new brand of snack food that will introduce the American shopper to French-style soft pretzels. This immigrant-run business has had great success serving Francophone expatriate communities with French traditional comfort food, and is looking to expand into the retail market and and capture the average American consumer’s attention with an interesting new twist on the baked snack.

In order to appeal to consumers from a wide range of demographics, a clean and appealing visual design for the product was necessary, and 3PRIME was the company for the job. Despite our extensive experience with graphics, this was our first commission for product packaging. We enjoyed the challenge, and the client was satisfied.

Hopefully, we will see Prosper’s French Pretzels on store shelves and will have the chance to try this interesting new product for ourselves!