
Web Development Services

by | Oct 12, 2014 | Articles

3PRIME Web Development Services

Web development can mean vastly different things, so we’ll summarize by defining it as the process of actually building a website, or web application, as opposed to the design or promotion of a website.

Building Websites

3PRIME has over a decade of experience developing websites, going back to when SHTML came on the scene and seemed revolutionary. Now we primarily build websites on the WordPress™ platform, and can provide a lot of value for a business of any size at really affordable prices.

We’d be glad to discuss what you are looking for whether its customizing a new website, or rebuilding and updating an existing one. We have the expertise to fit a plan to your needs and budget, and stand by everything we build, even years down the road.

Advance Web Development

Web development also means editing and adding onto an existing website, often by wading through the work of others to find the key to fixing something that has broken, been hacked or just become outdated. Very few companies can do this in a manner affordable to SMB/SMEs, and we are one of them.

When adding new functionality onto an existing website, it’s important to first understand the underlying system and website architecture. This is another example of where our developer experience makes all the difference. Once we have determined the manner in which the new web functionality should be built, we can retrofit your website to incorporate it, extending the life and increasing the value of your online presence.

Need a Web Developer in CT?

Give 3PRIME a call, you’ll find that we can do what needs to be done, and you’ll like working with us!