
Social Media Advertising to a Baby Boomer Audience (Infographic)

by | Sep 21, 2017 | Marketing, Technology, Web Design

Baby boomers make up much of the online population and successful businesses should cater marketing efforts towards them. The latest research shows that Baby Boomers are using social media now more than ever. Not only have they embraced social media for communication, but they’re also using it to their benefit in a variety of ways including product research. Baby boomers now spend a whopping 27 hours behind the computer screen each week, 2 more hours online per week than millennials aged 16-34. Opportunities to reach Baby Boomers exist in unexpected ways for companies willing to think outside the box.

We developed an infographic that shows just how much baby boomers are using social media today. Baby Boomers have found more ways to utilize technology and social media, check out the infographic for more stats to better understand and target them.

Click here for the full infographic