Effective, professional and vibrant design in 2018 means:
1) Content First
Don’t tell; show. Long introductions, framing and slow reveals are a thing of the past: let visitors see your product in the best light right off the bat.
2) Simplicity & Boldness
Most books can be boiled down to an article; most articles, to a paragraph; most paragraphs, to a sentence.
Instead of populating the page with myriad competing elements and creating visual noise, show the essentials and leave the details under a link.
3) Interactivity
A website isn’t a PDF – modern designers have powerful tools to bring a site to life.
Scrolling effects, mouse-over rollovers, animations and color effects are excellent ways to punch up your offerings and engage your visitors.
4) Clarity
Today’s web user has to sift through a staggering amount of information quickly, and make snap decisions on the fly.
If a site is confusing to navigate and doesn’t get to the point right away, the user will leave and find one that does.
5) The WOW Factor
The difference between a merely competent website that languishes, and a memorable one that gets the lead, can come down to one thing that makes the visitor go “Wow!”
Whether it’s a rarely-seen rollover effect, unique & beautiful artwork, or fun copy, a great site aims to deliver an unexpected delight to the visitor.