Security Awareness Training Could Save Your Business
Regularly updated security awareness training could save your organization from a serious data breach. Why? Because the best defense against cybercriminals is being prepared for an attack. With around 48% of breaches being as a result of human error or system failure, your employees might just be the weakest link here.
Do they know what to look out for? What do they consider a strong password? How careful are they about how they access the system? Are they using an unsecured private device? How do they deal with outsiders needing to work in your officers?
It can take seconds for a criminal to plant a key-logger or other malware on your system. And, as any good hacker will tell you, there is nothing better than direct access to the system if you want to exploit it. So that repairman coming in to fix the aircon could well pose a risk to the security of your data.
Of course, it’s not only outsiders that you need to be wary of. What if an enterprising employee decides to sell client information? Now, while it’s true that you cannot always have complete control over what they do, you can limit the potential damage.
You can put processes in place to limit their access to the system to only critical items that they need for work. You could also put measures in place to sniff out suspicious access to key systems.
As you’ll see from the EveryCloud infographic that we’ve published below, security awareness training is one of the first line defense measures that every company should be employing. And, truthfully, a lot of the tips can be applied to protect your own personal data as well.
A good attitude to adopt is that it is only a matter of time before someone tries to hack the system. It’s not the nicest way to think, but it should keep you on your toes when it comes to cybersecurity.
The stakes are high here, especially for businesses who hold a lot of client data. Can you imagine having to go to your clients and let them know that their private information has been exposed? Can you imagine the potential fallout of that happening?
Don’t take the chance – shore up your defenses now.
You can find more awesome facts and useful tips in the infographic called “Awesome Cyber Security Facts (2019)”, compiled by EveryCloud