
3-PRIME’s COVID-19 Repsonse

by | Mar 19, 2020 | Articles, News

As we all grapple with the challenges of the COVID-19 virus, please know that 3PRIME remains 100% committed to powering the continued success of your businesses and organizations. We deeply respect the trust you have placed in us, and you can count on us to do everything possible to ensure the continuity of your online performance and our service levels.

What We’ve Done

We have instituted a Work From Home policy. All 3PRIME personnel will be working from home through the end of March. We are lucky in that our whole team is well-versed in the tools and we anticipate no detriment to our productivity. We’re actively modifying our business dynamics to ensure the health and safety of our communities, especially concerning the most vulnerable among us.

Contacting your customers

If you need assistance drafting a COVID-19 announcement, let us know and we will be glad to assist you with drafting your announcement as well as posting it to your website(s) and social media profiles.

Need help with online meetings

If your team is not well-versed with remote work tech, we’ll do our best to help you! We can schedule a 20-minute training session and deliver a user guide to ensure that your business stays as productive as possible through this period. 

  1.   Call to schedule a 20-minute group training session
  2.   Whats the difference between Google Hangouts, Zoom and Uberconference?
  3.   Don’t need video? Use FreeConferenceCall.com

SBA Guidance & Assistance for Small Businesses

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has posted information regarding loan programs and guidance for businesses:

CDC Guidance & Prevention Protocols for Businesses

The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) has issued COVID-19 guidance for businesses and is updating them as new developments occur.

We also think that the advice on FlattenTheCurve.com is worth reviewing.


Let us know if you need assistance managing these unusual economic conditions!