Back in 2017, our team was invited to attend the first Google DevFest hosted at Southern Connecticut State University. The event involved a hackathon which focused on encouraging women to pursue tech-related careers. 3PRIME accepted the challenge and with the help from our frontend leads, devops lead, and a researcher we created a website that provides women with tech resources.
We called the site Women in Tech FTW (For The Win), a resource center for women to find technology education centers, while supplying a historical and contemporary accounting of the impact women in technology have had and continue to have.
A woman (Ada Lovelace) built the first computer!
We wanted to make sure that in an industry such as technology that has historically been female-hostile, that we re-inforce access to educational resources, highlight female success in technology, and show that women have always driven innovation for which our modern economy owes a large and unpaid debt.
We won the hackathon, but decided to take a break on the project until our lead designer decided we pursue the project again at the end of 2018. There was a full website redesign that involved moving the site from Firebase into WordPress. Once that was completed our lead designer created the custom graphics/color scheme and found more resources we could add to the site.
The Women In Tech FTW mantra is to Find, Inspire, and Succeed. Our mission is to build a community-driven space that gives attention to female technologists, enables contributions from women and girls in Connecticut and promote the careers of women in tech.