by 3PRIME | Mar 16, 2020 | Cyber Security, Technology
For the next several weeks, 3PRIME and we expect many of you, will be activating work from home procedures. A relevant concern is whether the computers your staff may use at home are protected like the ones at your offices. Cloudflare, a global cloud DNS solution we...
by 3PRIME | Mar 11, 2020 | Cyber Security, Technology
How to Start Protecting Yourself Online Today Whenever we head out the door, we will lock up our homes and keep our pockets zipped up. This is to protect our belongings against any slim chances of theft. However, it’s so much easier to protect your physical...
by 3PRIME | Jan 28, 2020 | Cyber Security, Page Speed, Technology, Web Development
What is Data Privacy? Data privacy deals with personal information that is obtained on the web, whether that is personally identifiable information (PII) or personal health information (PHI). It is a branch of data security that focuses on the way that data is handled...
by 3PRIME | Apr 24, 2019 | Cyber Security, News, Technology
We’re always looking for ways to improve our clients’ experience with us. We understand the digital landscape and our goal is to always be a step ahead of any potential issues. To that end, we’ve made improvements to our hosting services and now our hosting is better...
by 3PRIME | Feb 27, 2019 | Cyber Security
Security Awareness Training Could Save Your Business Regularly updated security awareness training could save your organization from a serious data breach. Why? Because the best defense against cybercriminals is being prepared for an attack. With around 48% of...
by 3PRIME | Jan 30, 2019 | Cyber Security
Those with business have to be able to trust their employees. They give them access to computers and other digital devices and even set them up with internet access so that they can do their jobs. But blind trust isn’t an option, no matter who you have working for...