PROJECT SUMMARY: PROBLEM BBAbsence needed a new site specifically for their Medicare users so they could apply for Medicare benefits. We discussed how to get this going since they were on a tight deadline for an Oct 1st launch and we started talks at the beginning of...
PROJECT SUMMARY: PROBLEM Security Plus NE needed a new modernized website with a responsive design that is easily viewable across different devices . Their old site was out date, hard to navigate and had problematic content from its old hosting infrastructure. 3PRIME...
PROJECT SUMMARY: PROBLEM That Cat Camera Support needed a redesign to modernize the company’s main website, The new website uses up-to-date technology and design standards to achieve a more effective way to organize & showcase ThatCat products and...
PROJECT SUMMARY: PROBLEM Hampton Tech needed a modernized site built with promotional product content along with a more professional representation of their wholesale manufacturing services. APPROACH The project began with a design consultation to determine...
PROJECT SUMMARY: PROBLEM Bridges Healthcare needed an updated way to display their website to their users, as their old site was slightly outdated. They needed to present a streamlined and convenient website that offers a well-organized and intuitive architecture...